Surfing Down South: Discovering Yallingup and Margaret River
Surfing Down South book has sold out and is now only available in Public Libraries and second hand book sales. Read more about…
1963 Surfer attacked by shark at Yallingup
Scarborough butcher Brian ‘Pud’ Audus (age 25) from Scarborough SLSC was riding a chest board at Yallingup Main Break when he was bitten…
Origins of Skateboarding in WA
Skateboarding was born sometime in the late 1940s, or early 1950s, when surfers in California USA wanted something to do when the waves…
Surfboards Prohibited
In the early 1960s, as surfboard riding gained popularity on metro beaches, conflicts began to emerge between surfers and swimmers. Local authorities deemed…
The Paterson Family
Mark ‘Pato’ Paterson has been surfing Down South since 1957 and helped pioneer surfing at Yallingup. Mark started surfing as a little tacker…
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