Updated 20 Oct 2017to include images of Trevor’s 1970 surf column in Sunday Times and his 2006 Memoriam.
In the late 60s & early 70s Trevor ‘TB’ Burslem used his business, photographer & journalist skills to promote surfing in WA.
TB ran Gasworks Surf Shops (2), promoted surf movies at The Regal Theatre in Subiaco and wrote a weekly Surfing column in the Sunday Times. He also compered a weekly Surfing program and provided daily surf reports on radio station 6PR. TB was a competent surf photographer and contributed photos to media & surf magazines. From 1969-70 he served as President of the City Beach Surf Riders Club (CBSR) and helped run fund raising Surf Cabarets with big name bands for the club. In the 70s he officiated as a WASRA contest controller and commentator at State & National surf contests. In his latter years, he managed the Tree Top Walks in Lamington National Park in Queensland and then the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk at Walpole in WA.
In December 2006 Trevor passed away in Walpole after an illness. In 2007 Trevor was posthumously awarded Surfing WA’s Len Dibben Award for his surfing Media & Promotion services in WA.
1967 TB with his 6PR Surf Report VW sedan at City Beach. Image ex CBSR Super 8 movie film.1967 WASRA State Championship program designed by TB. 1968 Gasworks Surf Shop advertisement.1970 On the Boardwalk column by Trevor Burslem courtesy of The Sunday Times.1973 TB officiating at the 1973 Aust Surf Titles held at Marg River.Photo Ric Chan2007 Len Dibben Awardpresented to TB.2006 Trevor Burslem Memoriam courtesy of Dept of Environment and Conservation and the Walpole Weekly.
Trevor played a big part in establishing surfing in WA in the 60s & 70s..
Updated 20 Oct 2017 to include images of Trevor’s 1970 surf column in Sunday Times and his 2006 Memoriam.
In the late 60s & early 70s Trevor ‘TB’ Burslem used his business, photographer & journalist skills to promote surfing in WA.
TB ran Gasworks Surf Shops (2), promoted surf movies at The Regal Theatre in Subiaco and wrote a weekly Surfing column in the Sunday Times. He also compered a weekly Surfing program and provided daily surf reports on radio station 6PR. TB was a competent surf photographer and contributed photos to media & surf magazines. From 1969-70 he served as President of the City Beach Surf Riders Club (CBSR) and helped run fund raising Surf Cabarets with big name bands for the club. In the 70s he officiated as a WASRA contest controller and commentator at State & National surf contests. In his latter years, he managed the Tree Top Walks in Lamington National Park in Queensland and then the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk at Walpole in WA.
In December 2006 Trevor passed away in Walpole after an illness. In 2007 Trevor was posthumously awarded Surfing WA’s Len Dibben Award for his surfing Media & Promotion services in WA.
Trevor played a big part in establishing surfing in WA in the 60s & 70s..
Coming soon Surf photographer Trevor Burslem’s 1960s images.
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