Back in the 60s the front men for popular Perth bands ‘The Banned’ and ‘The Young Blaydes’ were surfer/singers Peter Dyson and Dave Aylett/Greg Wynne respectively.
At the same time in New Zealand young surfer/singer Ric Chan was the front man in popular NZ pop band The Morguemen.
Surfing North Island NZ.
Mid 60s Ric Chan surfing in NZ. Photos Ric Chan. (Left) Ric surfing unidentified surf break. (Right) Ric’s Ford Cortina & surfboards and Ric with bush turkey & friends in middle pic.
The Morguemen Band NZ
Ric Chan – I was the lead singer/guitarist in the Morguemen band. The band was based out of Masterton and did gigs in Wellington and dance halls throughout the North Island.
We toured the country-side in a vintage 1935 Chrysler convertible with a dicky seat. We purchased the Chrysler for 10 pounds NZ.
I left the band at age 18, then headed to the East Coast of Australia and started photographing my surf travels.
Mid 60s Ric and the Morguemen band. Photos Ric Chan.Mid 60s Morguemen Band promotional photo-shoots. Photos Ric Chan.mid 60s the Morguemen’s vintage 1935 Chrysler convertible with dickie seat. Ric Chan pics.mid 60s Morguemen’s Band on tour. John McKechnie is in racing googles top left. Ric Chan pics.
Night Clubs Bali
Similar to WA’s Peter ‘Dyso’ Dyson, Ric Chan went into the nightclub business in Bali in the 80s.
Dyso ran the Casablanca and Peanuts Nightclubs and Ric Chan ran the Cheaters Night Club on the Kuta strip.
Dyso – Ric spent most of his time in my nightclubs (-:
Ric Chan – That’s not how I remember it (-:
Mid 1980s Cheaters Night Club in Kuta Bali & some Bali pics courtesy of Ric Chan.
Ric is back rockin’ in NZ with his family & dog Fella.
Back in the 60s the front men for popular Perth bands ‘The Banned’ and ‘The Young Blaydes’ were surfer/singers Peter Dyson and Dave Aylett/Greg Wynne respectively.
At the same time in New Zealand young surfer/singer Ric Chan was the front man in popular NZ pop band The Morguemen.
Surfing North Island NZ.
(Left) Ric surfing unidentified surf break. (Right) Ric’s Ford Cortina & surfboards and Ric with bush turkey & friends in middle pic.
The Morguemen Band NZ
Ric Chan – I was the lead singer/guitarist in the Morguemen band. The band was based out of Masterton and did gigs in Wellington and dance halls throughout the North Island.
We toured the country-side in a vintage 1935 Chrysler convertible with a dicky seat. We purchased the Chrysler for 10 pounds NZ.
I left the band at age 18, then headed to the East Coast of Australia and started photographing my surf travels.
Night Clubs Bali
Similar to WA’s Peter ‘Dyso’ Dyson, Ric Chan went into the nightclub business in Bali in the 80s.
Dyso ran the Casablanca and Peanuts Nightclubs and Ric Chan ran the Cheaters Night Club on the Kuta strip.
Dyso – Ric spent most of his time in my nightclubs (-:
Ric Chan – That’s not how I remember it (-:
Ric is back rockin’ in NZ with his family & dog Fella.
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