70s 80s +

Mirror Surfing Images by Ric Chan #2

This a collection of 70-80s WA surfing images by NZ surf photographer Ric Chan.

Ric’s actual photos have been matched with flipped images to show the surfers surfing right and left on the same wave for visual effect.


Image #1. 1975 Adrian Wilson Margaret River main break



Image #2. 1976 Al Fixter Injidup car park



Image #3. 1976 Terry Jacks Cottesloe main beach



Image #4. 1976 Russell Catto contest Trigg Point



Image #5. 1980 Steve Williams Injidup car park



Image #6. 1980 Bruce Smith Spring Titles Scarborough

Thanks Ric for sharing your surfing pics.

Coming soon Mirror surfing images by Ric Chan #3


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