80s +

1980 Lefthanders surfing images by the late Peter Matulich #3

Scarborough surfer, artist, photographer the late Peter Matulich (1959-2018) spent his weekends and spare time chasing waves and snapping surf photos down south in the 1980s.

This is the third of a series based on Pete’s 1980 Lefthanders surfing images.

Series #3 contains images of Damon Eastaugh and Dean Forsyth.

1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh
1980 Lefthanders Damon Eastaugh

1980 Lefthanders Dean Forsyth

1980 Lefthanders Dean Forsyth

1980 Lefthanders Dean Forsyth

A big thank you to Peter (RIP) for sharing his surf images.

Related material:

1980 Lefthanders surfing images by the late Peter Matulich #1.

1980 Lefthanders surfing images by the late Peter Matulich #2

Coming soon 1980 Lefthanders surfing images by the late Peter Matulich #4.


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