Kalbarri’s first resident surfer Craig Howe worked & surfed in the
Mid-West region from 1971 to 2009. During this time, the goofy-footer surfed
Jacques Point at Kalbarri, the Abrolhos Islands and discovered Gnaraloo in 1975.
This is a
collection of Craig’s 1970s Kalbarri surf images.
1972 Sheltering from the sun between Glyn Lance’s VW & Craig’s Land Rover at Jacques Point Kalbarri. L-R. Gary Kontoolis, Clair Atkins, Graham at the rear & Glyn Lance. 1970s Gary Thompson & Jimmy Younger after a surf at Jacques Point.1970s crew at the sand car park Jacques Point.1970s Craig surfing Jacques Point.
Craig – This was my camp spot opposite Jacques Point, I lived in the tent you can make out in the wattle bush.
1970 Craig’s camp spot at Jacques Point. 1973 Brett Wilcock’s broken surfboard at Jacques Point. 1970s Craig surfing Jacques Point.1970s Kevin Keenan in his Holden at Kalbarri.1970s Craig fixing dings on his surfboard.1970s Claire Atkins sunbathing next to Craig’s old Land Rover in Jacques bay. 1970s BBQ time with the Kalbarri Motor Hotel in the background.1970s crew sitting on Craig’s Land Rover at Jacques Point listening to music.
Craig –This is me surfing in my Banana
boat out on the shoulder at Jacques Point. It’s an ex crayfish boat that was
built at Horrocks Beach.
1970s Craig surfing in his Banana boat at Jacques Point.1974 Craig surfing Jacques Point.1970s Craig’s Land Rover on Jacques Point with Gary Kontoolas in the back, Glyn Lance sitting and Gero girl with Gary Kontoolas.1976-Craig surfing Jacques-Point.1977 Craig surfing Jacques-Point.
Craig – In this pic Ron Moss is waving to me taking the photo.
1970s Ron Moss and unidentified girl at Jacques Point.
Craig – The surfboard I was riding in the next picture was built by Neil Schultz, Neil surfed and lived in Kalbarri. His boards had NS Surfboards decal on them.
1980 Craig surfing Jacques Point. Photo by American photographer Jeff Hornbaker.
Thanks for
sharing your vintage Kalbarri pics Craig.
Kalbarri’s first resident surfer Craig Howe worked & surfed in the Mid-West region from 1971 to 2009. During this time, the goofy-footer surfed Jacques Point at Kalbarri, the Abrolhos Islands and discovered Gnaraloo in 1975.
This is a collection of Craig’s 1970s Kalbarri surf images.
L-R. Gary Kontoolis, Clair Atkins, Graham at the rear & Glyn Lance.
Craig – This was my camp spot opposite Jacques Point, I lived in the tent you can make out in the wattle bush.
Craig – This is me surfing in my Banana boat out on the shoulder at Jacques Point. It’s an ex crayfish boat that was built at Horrocks Beach.
Craig – In this pic Ron Moss is waving to me taking the photo.
Craig – The surfboard I was riding in the next picture was built by Neil Schultz, Neil surfed and lived in Kalbarri. His boards had NS Surfboards decal on them.
Thanks for sharing your vintage Kalbarri pics Craig.
Related content.
1970s Craig Howe NW surf pioneer published 13 January 2016.
Craig Howe – Living the Dream published 6 April 2016.
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