
Aloha Derek Glaskin

Aloha bro,

I live on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

I’m an old West Ozzie; (63), from Cottesloe Beach. I left WA in the 80’s; went to Kirra Qld; left the Gold Coast in 88 for Hawaii, have lived & surfed here ever since. 

Growing up in W.A. as a young graphic art designer working for surfer artist PETER BEVAN who did all the surf stuff for everybody was a total buzz.

On the Gold Coast, l made a name for myself in the arts winning their city art prize three times in a row to “World Expo 88” and then; invited to Hawaii.

I soon got into Hawaiian politics, cultural stuff and started painting for “TE MOANA NUI A KIVA” (Royal Union of Pacific Nations); later invited to exhibit in a few good museums in Hawaii and on the East & West coast mainland too.

2020 Derek with artwork “MANA” in Hawaii.
2010 Derek (in the middle) at “ATOOI TE MOANA NUI A KIVA”; Pacific Islander Cultural Ceremony in Hawaii.

Sometimes when l’m missing things about home they look like this….

Derek’s Yallingup artwork BEFORE & AFTER”; “ONO” in Hawaiian means delicious.
Derek’s “LIVE MUSIC”: jam’ngalaguitarslingahs in memory of all you deadly six string guitar players.
Derek’s Margaret River wine artwork, red or white.
Derek’s “SMITH’S BEACH” symphony of surf spots.

Mahalo nui loa, e komo mai walau (talkstory).

Aloha Derek


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