Restrictions have been imposed on the use of surfboards & coolites during daylight hours at the City Beach groyne since circa 1962, to provide safety for swimmers.
Despite the restrictions, local surfers still managed to find surfable waves while the Beach Inspector was off duty.
Restrictions were relaxed outside the nominated swimming season of November to April while there were no Clubbies or Beach Inspector on duty.
1960s City Beach surfing pics from various photographers
1960 The late Dave Williams (RIP) surfing City Beach pre-restrictions. Dave riding his new round tail balsa Board by Clymer NSW. John Harbison pic
The late Terry Jacks of Floreat was one of WA’s finest ‘Freestyle’ surfers in the 60s-70s.
1963 The late Terry Jacks surfing City Beach at 6am pre-restriction time. Media pic.
Alex ‘Zac’ Kochanowitsch was crowned State Open Mens Champion at the inaugural State Surfboard Riding Championships held at Yalls in 1964. When the following photo appeared in the daily newspaper the Kochanowitsch brothers had some explaining to do with their dad as they were supposed to be at school. 😊
1963 Kochanowitsch brothers Len (RIP) & Zac surfing City Beach groyne during school hours. Media pic
Barry King from City Beach Board Club was crowned State Junior Champion at the inaugural State Surfboard Riding Championships held at Yalls in 1964.
1963 Barry King surfing City Beach groyne. Mick Lindsay pic
In 1964, the City Beach Surf Riders Club obtained approval from the Perth City Council to surf the groyne area at night (under a light at the end of groyne) and again at first light in the morning until 6am when swimmers arrived.
Keen surfers slept on the beach in sleeping bags between overnight surfs. This situation solved swimmer/surfboard conflicts, but fishermen/surfer conflicts continued.
The West Australian Surfrider Assoc (WASRA) was formed in 1964 partially to give surfboard riders a united voice on beach surfboard restriction issues with Shire Councils.
1964 City Beach Surfriders Club plea for a reduction in surfboard restrictions. Image courtesy of Daily News. Circa 1965 Surfer fined for board riding in City Beach bathing area. Media image courtesy of Colleen Burke.
Ron Moss was a founding member and President of City Beach Surf Riders Club in the mid-60s and beyond. He was also a member of the City of Perth SLSC 1977-78.
1965 Ron Moss head stand City Beach. Trevor Burslem pic1967 City Beach rescue by surfers Rob Halliday, Paul Galbraith & Ron Moss. Media image courtesy of Colleen Burke. 1967 Ross Halliday of Floreat surfing City Beach on his three stringer surfboard. Media image courtesy of Colleen Burke.
The Late John Harbison (younger brother of former WASRA President Tony Harbison) was a member of City Beach Surfriders Club and City of Perth SLSC in the 60s. He became the Beach Inspector at City Beach in the 70s and was popular with swimmers and surfers.
1967 City of Perth SLSC surf boat riding waves at City Beach with John Harbison on sweep. Photos courtesy of the late John Harbison.
The late Howard Johnson from City Beach Surf Riders Club was a talented surfer on metro waves in the 60s before moving down south in the 70s.
1967 Howard Johnson nose riding City Beach groyne. King family pic.
Jim King of Subiaco was President of City Beach Surf Riders Club 1967-68 and Captain of Club’s Surf Team in 1969.
Jim King. “In 1967 a press photographer from West Australian Newspapers snapped the following photo of me surfing City Beach groyne. I was riding a 9ft+ triple stringer Malibu surfboard from Cordingley Surf Shop in Hay Street Subiaco.The photo was displayed in the front window of the former Press Photo shop in Newspapers House in St George Terrace Perth and Daily News surf journalist the late Alan McIntosh featured the image in the header of his weekly surf column throughout summer in the late 60s”.
1967 Jim King ‘Cheater Five’ at City Beach. Image courtesy of WA Newspapers. 1968 The late Steve ‘Simmo’ Simpson of City Beach Hanging 10 south side of City Beachgroyne. Trevor Burslem pic1968 David Moss of Floreat nose riding City Beach groyne. Trevor Burslem pic1969 Unidentified goofy surfing City Beach groyne. Ric Chan pic.
Craig Bettenay was crowned State Junior Champion at the 1973 State Titles held at Margaret River. His brother Stewart placed 2nd in the same event.
1969 Craig Bettenay surfing City Beach groyne. Ric Chan pic.
Stewart Bettenay. “I stopped surfing the great left of the groyne in 1971. We used to get there at 4.30 am and surf to 6 am. Never bothered with the night-time stuff as it was always better at first light”.
1969 Stewart Bettenay surfing City Beach groyne. Ric Chan pic.
The late Rick Lobe was crowned State Mens Champion at the 1970 Spring Surfing Titles held at Trigg beach. In 1969 surf photographer Ric Chan captured Rick surfing & socialising at City Beach with the Bettenay bros.
1969 Craig Bettenay and Rick Lobe at City Beach. Ric Chan pic.1969 Rick Lobe surfing City Beach groyne. Ric Chan pic
From 1989 to 1997 the City Beach Surf Riders Club ran pro surfing Night Surfing Classic events under lights at City Beach under the stewardship of Richard Stone. Today the Club continues to run club night surfing events at City Beach.
1992 Spectators at Night Surfing event at City Beach. Photo courtesy Richard Stone.
Restrictions have been imposed on the use of surfboards & coolites during daylight hours at the City Beach groyne since circa 1962, to provide safety for swimmers.
Despite the restrictions, local surfers still managed to find surfable waves while the Beach Inspector was off duty.
Restrictions were relaxed outside the nominated swimming season of November to April while there were no Clubbies or Beach Inspector on duty.
1960s City Beach surfing pics from various photographers
The late Terry Jacks of Floreat was one of WA’s finest ‘Freestyle’ surfers in the 60s-70s.
Alex ‘Zac’ Kochanowitsch was crowned State Open Mens Champion at the inaugural State Surfboard Riding Championships held at Yalls in 1964. When the following photo appeared in the daily newspaper the Kochanowitsch brothers had some explaining to do with their dad as they were supposed to be at school. 😊
Barry King from City Beach Board Club was crowned State Junior Champion at the inaugural State Surfboard Riding Championships held at Yalls in 1964.
In 1964, the City Beach Surf Riders Club obtained approval from the Perth City Council to surf the groyne area at night (under a light at the end of groyne) and again at first light in the morning until 6am when swimmers arrived.
Keen surfers slept on the beach in sleeping bags between overnight surfs. This situation solved swimmer/surfboard conflicts, but fishermen/surfer conflicts continued.
The West Australian Surfrider Assoc (WASRA) was formed in 1964 partially to give surfboard riders a united voice on beach surfboard restriction issues with Shire Councils.
Ron Moss was a founding member and President of City Beach Surf Riders Club in the mid-60s and beyond. He was also a member of the City of Perth SLSC 1977-78.
The Late John Harbison (younger brother of former WASRA President Tony Harbison) was a member of City Beach Surfriders Club and City of Perth SLSC in the 60s. He became the Beach Inspector at City Beach in the 70s and was popular with swimmers and surfers.
The late Howard Johnson from City Beach Surf Riders Club was a talented surfer on metro waves in the 60s before moving down south in the 70s.
Jim King of Subiaco was President of City Beach Surf Riders Club 1967-68 and Captain of Club’s Surf Team in 1969.
Jim King. “In 1967 a press photographer from West Australian Newspapers snapped the following photo of me surfing City Beach groyne. I was riding a 9ft+ triple stringer Malibu surfboard from Cordingley Surf Shop in Hay Street Subiaco. The photo was displayed in the front window of the former Press Photo shop in Newspapers House in St George Terrace Perth and Daily News surf journalist the late Alan McIntosh featured the image in the header of his weekly surf column throughout summer in the late 60s”.
Craig Bettenay was crowned State Junior Champion at the 1973 State Titles held at Margaret River. His brother Stewart placed 2nd in the same event.
Stewart Bettenay. “I stopped surfing the great left of the groyne in 1971. We used to get there at 4.30 am and surf to 6 am. Never bothered with the night-time stuff as it was always better at first light”.
The late Rick Lobe was crowned State Mens Champion at the 1970 Spring Surfing Titles held at Trigg beach. In 1969 surf photographer Ric Chan captured Rick surfing & socialising at City Beach with the Bettenay bros.
From 1989 to 1997 the City Beach Surf Riders Club ran pro surfing Night Surfing Classic events under lights at City Beach under the stewardship of Richard Stone. Today the Club continues to run club night surfing events at City Beach.
Related content.
1960s City Beach memorabilia published 6 January 2016.
1960-70s Surfing Coolites at City Beach by Craig Blume published 2 March 2016.
KIDS IN PARADISE – Surfing City Beach in the 1960’s by Ross Utting published 20 July 2016.
Night Surfing Classic at City Beach published 25 Aug 2021
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