The WA Surf Riders Assoc (WASRA formed 1964) held the 1966 State Winter Championships at Scarborough Beach in mid-September.
See the late Trevor Burslem’s coverage of the event below.
1966 State Winter Championships Scarb. WASRA President Doc Ron Naylor (3rd from left) with contest winners Mike Bibby (Jnr Mens), John Balgarnie (Snr Mens) & Eleanor Proud (womens). Photo Colleen Burke.1966 Media coverage of State Winter Titles Scarborough by Surfabout mag Vol 3, no. 7. Page 14.1966 Media coverage of State Winter Titles Scarborough by Surfabout mag Vol 3, no. 7. Page 15.
The WA Surf Riders Assoc (WASRA formed 1964) held the 1966 State Winter Championships at Scarborough Beach in mid-September.
See the late Trevor Burslem’s coverage of the event below.
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