Surf media personality Trevor ‘TB’ Burslem, raconteur Ronald Moss and accountant Reg Gillard established Gas Works Surf Shops in the late 60s.
Gasworks sold ladies and gentlemen’s outfits and John Arnold Surfboards from South Australia. During the flower power hippy era of the late sixties, Gasworks sold popular surf wear like high waisted corduroy flairs and Russell Hughes’ ‘The Crystal Vessel’ floral Nehru-collared shirts.
Gasworks Surf Shops were located 489 Hay St East Perth, Shop 23 Floreat (Forum Floreat) and 206 Hay St Subiaco.
Gasworks Surf Shops ceased operations during the late 70s.
Ron Moss “When I was age 17, I sold surfing stuff from under the City Beach Shop. Buying gear off Len Dibben and others. In those days we used to keep our boards under the shop or at Simmo’s parent’s place. This is before I got a car at 17 years of age. A green Morris Minor that was a side banger!
I met Nat Young when he came over here in 1967 and I took him around to metropolitan surfing spots. I took him to Trigg Point on a big day. Nat saw me surf and it was then he offered me the agency for Gordon and Woods Surf Boards. I took him home and my brother David was surprised to see Nat Young having a cup of tea with our mother.
I told Trevor about this and then we formed the Gas Works Surf Shops. I also; through Nat Young recommendation; secured the agency for Platt Surf Wear. I went to see Platts before embarking to go to Vietnam. I also met Gordon Woods when I came back from the funny farm (Vietnam) and secured the agency for Keyo Surf Boards. I also tried to get Les Purcell in Queensland; for the Gas Works to act for agent for him. Trevor did not want this. Les still is making boards in Queensland.
There was a Gas Works Surf Shop at the Floreat Forum. The shop was on the East side of the Forum and sold clothing footwear and boards.
Trevor Burslem and I started the Gas Works Surf Shops. I was also a partner with TB in another company Surf Line which bought over the surfing films screened at the Regal Theatre in Subiaco.”
1971 Gasworks partner Ronald Moss (centre) ‘dressed to the nines’ for a night out on the town. Photo courtesy Ron Moss.
Bruce King, Lizzie Gooch (nee Tidswell) and Robyn Brockman (nee McDonald) worked as Managers at Gasworks surf shops.
Bruce King. “TB bought me back from South Australia to runthe Gasworks surf shop City Branch located Hay Street East Perth. That’s where I got my first job as a so-called Manager.”
1969 Extract from Trevor Burslem’s On the Board Walk surf column in the Sunday Times.
Lizzie Gooch. “I worked in the Subiaco Gasworks, but unfortunately don’t have many memories of my time there. The Blues Music playing in the shop is one of my most notable memories. I really can’t even remember who my boss was, I was so young!”
1968 Gasworks Managers Bruce King & Lizzie Tidswell. Photo courtesy LIzzie Gooch (nee Tidswell).
Robyn Brockman. “I worked at the Floreat (Floreat Forum) and Subi (Hay Street) stores. Honestly, there were not a whole lot of memorable moments there….I spent a lot of time at the Subi store talking to the ‘Farris boys’. Sold clothing, wetsuits, boards (probably a lot bigger than now) and met lots of people, loved it as a fill in job. TB would pop in from time to time, and that’s about it ”.
1970 Gasworks Managers Bruce King & Robyn McDonald at City Beach Cabaret. Photo courtesy Bruce King.
Pamela Bedford. “I used to work at Gasworks Surf Shop Subiaco with Trevor Burslem. He was very private guy but a gentleman. Great days.“
1979 Pamela Bedford leaving the surf at Trigg. Daily News photo
Wendy Irene. “I used to work upstairs from the Gasworks Surf Shop in Hay St Subiaco owned and run by late Trevor Burslem. I bought all my Bikinis from him. He was such a lovely guy!”
Tom Blaxell. “Trevor was an iconic figure in the early days of surfing in WA. Big on the promotional and industry side of the counter culture that surfing was at that time.
He was in tune with the peace and happiness theme that was on the march amongst the young generation who had awoken to the threat of nuclear holocaust and forced service in combat in foreign lands.
Steve Cockburn and myself had a brief brush in biz with TB at the Sand n Sea Inn Shoppe in Nedlands but he was the Guru at Gasworks and an ace on 6PR, the in radio station at the time doing surf reports.
The funniest memory is one of my scaly mates doing a rotating browneye at him as he drove by in his blue 6PR Vee Dub ( as a joke).
1971 Tom Blaxell Owner/Manager Blaxell Surfboards Osborne Park WA. Photo Ric Chan.
Ross Utting. “Prior to Gasworks having formal retail outlets, Ron & TB used to flog clothes inside the City Beach Tearooms on Saturday mornings.
I guess they must have done a deal with Mario, the tearooms proprietor at the time.
One Saturday morning me & a couple of mates were sitting under the beachside windows of the tearooms when clothes started falling on our heads.
We gathered them up & were heading around to go into the tearooms when a couple of skinheads came down the stairs, saw us & scarpered up the hill.
Turns out they had taken a heap of clothes into the makeshift fitting room & thrown them out the window to be gathered up later.
Bit of excitement for us on a surf less Saturday morning, not to mention momentary hero status with Pix & TB”.
1966 City Beach Tea rooms (demolished early 70s). Photo Trevor ‘TB’ Burslem.
Gary McCormick. “Growing up in Osborne Park in the 60’s and 70’s meant I grew up with the Surfing Industry of WA. In 1971 I made UGG Boots for Gas Works Surf Shop in Perth and Bill Oddy at Cordingleys in Jolimont.”
1970 Ugg Boot maker Gary McCormick with his surfboard quiver at Long Point. Photo Gary McCormick.
Gasworks Surf Shop images
1968 John Arnold Surfboards advertisementSouth Australia.Late 60s Russell Hughes ‘Crystal Vessel’ shirt advertisement by Shane Surfboards NSW.1971 Gasworks surf shop display Trendshow Cottesloe Civic Centre. Photo Ric Chan.1971 Gasworks surf shop display Trendshow Cottesloe Civic Centre. Photo Ric Chan.1971 Gasworks advertisement in Country Surf Magazine.1970s Gasworks pass out card used at Surf Cabaret held Spectrum Nightclub Bay View Tce Claremont.
Thanks to the contributors for assisting with research on this matter.
Surf media personality Trevor ‘TB’ Burslem, raconteur Ronald Moss and accountant Reg Gillard established Gas Works Surf Shops in the late 60s.
Gasworks sold ladies and gentlemen’s outfits and John Arnold Surfboards from South Australia. During the flower power hippy era of the late sixties, Gasworks sold popular surf wear like high waisted corduroy flairs and Russell Hughes’ ‘The Crystal Vessel’ floral Nehru-collared shirts.
Gasworks Surf Shops were located 489 Hay St East Perth, Shop 23 Floreat (Forum Floreat) and 206 Hay St Subiaco.
Gasworks Surf Shops ceased operations during the late 70s.
Ron Moss “When I was age 17, I sold surfing stuff from under the City Beach Shop. Buying gear off Len Dibben and others. In those days we used to keep our boards under the shop or at Simmo’s parent’s place. This is before I got a car at 17 years of age. A green Morris Minor that was a side banger!
I met Nat Young when he came over here in 1967 and I took him around to metropolitan surfing spots. I took him to Trigg Point on a big day. Nat saw me surf and it was then he offered me the agency for Gordon and Woods Surf Boards. I took him home and my brother David was surprised to see Nat Young having a cup of tea with our mother.
I told Trevor about this and then we formed the Gas Works Surf Shops. I also; through Nat Young recommendation; secured the agency for Platt Surf Wear. I went to see Platts before embarking to go to Vietnam. I also met Gordon Woods when I came back from the funny farm (Vietnam) and secured the agency for Keyo Surf Boards. I also tried to get Les Purcell in Queensland; for the Gas Works to act for agent for him. Trevor did not want this. Les still is making boards in Queensland.
There was a Gas Works Surf Shop at the Floreat Forum. The shop was on the East side of the Forum and sold clothing footwear and boards.
Trevor Burslem and I started the Gas Works Surf Shops. I was also a partner with TB in another company Surf Line which bought over the surfing films screened at the Regal Theatre in Subiaco.”
Bruce King, Lizzie Gooch (nee Tidswell) and Robyn Brockman (nee McDonald) worked as Managers at Gasworks surf shops.
Bruce King. “TB bought me back from South Australia to run the Gasworks surf shop City Branch located Hay Street East Perth. That’s where I got my first job as a so-called Manager.”
Lizzie Gooch. “I worked in the Subiaco Gasworks, but unfortunately don’t have many memories of my time there. The Blues Music playing in the shop is one of my most notable memories. I really can’t even remember who my boss was, I was so young!”
Robyn Brockman. “I worked at the Floreat (Floreat Forum) and Subi (Hay Street) stores. Honestly, there were not a whole lot of memorable moments there….I spent a lot of time at the Subi store talking to the ‘Farris boys’. Sold clothing, wetsuits, boards (probably a lot bigger than now) and met lots of people, loved it as a fill in job. TB would pop in from time to time, and that’s about it
Pamela Bedford. “I used to work at Gasworks Surf Shop Subiaco with Trevor Burslem. He was very private guy but a gentleman. Great days.“
Wendy Irene. “I used to work upstairs from the Gasworks Surf Shop in Hay St Subiaco owned and run by late Trevor Burslem. I bought all my Bikinis from him. He was such a lovely guy!”
Tom Blaxell. “Trevor was an iconic figure in the early days of surfing in WA. Big on the promotional and industry side of the counter culture that surfing was at that time.
He was in tune with the peace and happiness theme that was on the march amongst the young generation who had awoken to the threat of nuclear holocaust and forced service in combat in foreign lands.
Steve Cockburn and myself had a brief brush in biz with TB at the Sand n Sea Inn Shoppe in Nedlands but he was the Guru at Gasworks and an ace on 6PR, the in radio station at the time doing surf reports.
The funniest memory is one of my scaly mates doing a rotating browneye at him as he drove by in his blue 6PR Vee Dub ( as a joke).
Ross Utting. “Prior to Gasworks having formal retail outlets, Ron & TB used to flog clothes inside the City Beach Tearooms on Saturday mornings.
I guess they must have done a deal with Mario, the tearooms proprietor at the time.
One Saturday morning me & a couple of mates were sitting under the beachside windows of the tearooms when clothes started falling on our heads.
We gathered them up & were heading around to go into the tearooms when a couple of skinheads came down the stairs, saw us & scarpered up the hill.
Turns out they had taken a heap of clothes into the makeshift fitting room & thrown them out the window to be gathered up later.
Bit of excitement for us on a surf less Saturday morning, not to mention momentary hero status with Pix & TB”.
Gary McCormick. “Growing up in Osborne Park in the 60’s and 70’s meant I grew up with the Surfing Industry of WA. In 1971 I made UGG Boots for Gas Works Surf Shop in Perth and Bill Oddy at Cordingleys in Jolimont.”
Gasworks Surf Shop images
Thanks to the contributors for assisting with research on this matter.
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