1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. Peter Horton, Keith Campbell & Ian Langdon in background.1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. John Morrison, Martin Pardo, Peter Bothwell, Vance Cocks, & Kim Woods.1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. Don McDonald & Mark Waddell.1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. Fred Lockowitz & Bill Brehney.1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. Kim Woods & Doug Campbell & others.1966 Surfers Inc Cabaret. Terry Jacks, Dick Lennard, Doug Campbell, Colin Morris & Sandy.
There were regular social events and activities catering for WA surfers in the 60s.
On 28 April 1966 a Surfers Inc. Cabaret was held at the Cottesloe Surf Club and featured Mort and the Mo-Bees.
The admission price was $1.00 and a good time was had by all 😊.
Scarborough surfer/photographer Colleen Burke was there and shared these social snaps.
1966 Surfers Inc’ Cabaret. Lorraine & Gayle Franks enjoying a Marsala & coke.
Thanks Colleen for sharing your social snaps.
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