70s photographs

1970s Sheepdog shapes

In the early 70s Steve ‘Sheepdog’ Cockburn was a surfboard shaper and team rider at Blaxell Surfboards in Osborne Park.

Formerly from Subiaco, he lived in the same Scarborough rental as surf photographer Ric Chan in the 70s. Steve was a talented surfer and thrived in powerful waves.

During the late 60s and early 70s, Steve like many WA surfers made the long trip across the Nullarbor to surf good waves on the East Coast.

Steve won the Paddle Through Perth event in 1969 and represented the State in the Open Mens Division in Burleigh Queensland in 1974.

He now surfs with his gran d children and lives with his wife Sue in Wembley.

Photo Gallery

1971 Blaxell Surfboards Osborne Park factory. Shaper Steve Cockburn, glasser Vin Nolan & owner Tom Blaxell. Photo Ric Chan

1971 Blaxell Surfboards Osborne Park. Glasser John Garbutt holding twin fin shaped by Steve Cockburn. Photo Ric chan

1970s Blaxell surfboard platypus nose side slipper shaped by Steve Cockburn. Owner James McGhee.

1970s Blaxell rounded pin surfboard by Steve Cockburn. Owner Troy Hatchett.

1970s Blaxell Surfboards advt Country Surf Magazine #1 (surfer Peter Bevan).

List of Blaxell shapers 1968-1988 courtesy John Nat Neeson.

1974 Aust Titles Burleigh Heads Qld. L-R Mike, Greg Laurenson RIP, Steve Cockburn, Rabbit Bartholomew-Qld. Photo Steve Cockburn.


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