1973-80s Odyssey Surfboards revisited
Foreword The original version of this blog was posted 5 November 2016. This version has been reformatted and contains additional information and images.…
2008 The Best Surfer at Desert Reef Peer Poll
Surfwest Magazine was published quarterly for eight editions between 2006 and 2008. Produced by City Beach surfers Richard Stone and Leighton Beringer and…
1964 Board Club outing to the Swan River
In 1964 the City Beach Surf Riders Club Inc (Est 1962) was at the top of its game and chock full of surfing…
Memories from 10 years ago – 2012 Jerome Forrest surfing Meelup Bay
Memories from 10 years ago. **Update 13 August 2022 – The surfer in these images has been identified as Jerome Forrest from Margaret…
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