Neil Bird’s involvement in the surfboard & kneeboard industry in WA & Spain
Update to intro by Neil Bird in Spain. 10 March 2022. Neil Bird. – “Thanks Graham Wills for sending the article. Would be…
Yallingup beach car park across the decades
This is a glimpse of the changing face of Yallingup beach car park over the decades 1950s-2020s. Yallingup beach car park has been…
Nick Thomas kneeboarder 1946-97
Nick Thomas started surfing Cottesloe in the early 60s with his mates in the Bombora Surfriders Assoc. The lads rode kneeboards and Malibu’s…
The Captain’s House at Trigg by Chris Holyday
Chris Holyday is the author of Between Beach and Bush book published by Hesperian Press 2020. This is Chris’s history of the Captain’s…
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