1956 Trad Jazz at Yalls
Early SW surf pioneers were keen on jazz music. This 1956 photo taken at Yallingup Beach shows unidentified & John Budge listening to…
1957 Colin Taylor & Bruce ‘Moonshine’ Hill surfing Yallingup
In 1953 Bruce ‘Moonshine’ Hill was one of the first to ride Yallingup waves on a surfboard – refer Surfing Down South book…
1958 Barry ‘Joe’ King’s homemade surfboard at Yallingup
In the late 1950s SW surf pioneer Barry ‘Joe’ King rode a homemade 9ft triple stringer polystyrene (Coolite) surfboard glassed with epoxy resin.…
1956-57 Camping under melaleuca trees Yallingup
This 1956-57 photo shows South West surf pioneers camping under melaleuca trees at Yallingup Beach car park. L-R Tony Burgess, unknown, John ‘Red’…
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