Category: 60s

50s 60s

Yallingup Beach Then and Now images

Sand movement has changed the layout of Yallingup Beach in recent years. Winter storms and high tides have gouged sand from the main…

60s 70s

The Trainer family Scarborough revisited

Foreword Surfing Down South posted a story on the Trainer family 9 January 2015. This version has been reformatted and contains additional images……enjoy…


Zac Kochanowitsch’s surfing memoirs

West Perth surfer Alex ’Zac’ Kochanowitsch purchased his first surfboard in 1962 and won WA’s first State Open Men’s Surfing Title in 1964.…


Ron Moss and the good old days

In the good old days, you could surf on your Malibu board in a pair of sluggo’s in summer and don a footy…