1960s WA Board Clubs – Part #1 History
There was a strong Board Club culture in WA in the 60s. You had to be a member of a Board Club and…
1969 Billeting arrangements Aust Surfing Titles
Western Australia hosted the Australian Surf Riding Championships for the first time in May 1969. Major WA board clubs billeted many eastern states…
1970s Rotto fly-in surf trip
In the 70s the Rottnest Island Board (RIB) flew Independent Newspaper photo journalist Ric Chan and some of his surfing mates to Rottnest…
Origin of skateboarding in WA by John Harbison & Charlie Roper
Background Skateboarding was probably born sometime in the late 1940s, or early 1950s, when surfers in California wanted something to do when the…
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