1966 Surfing in the South of WA – Rob Farris
In 1966 young surfer Rob Farris from Subiaco wrote an article about a trip down south with Dave Beamish, Craig Brent-White, Brian Brown,…
1967 Fig leaf beach wear
The late Trevor Burslem took this photo at Golden Bay near Mandurah at Easter time in 1967. The five shy young lads clad…
Then & Now
Back in 72 young city based surfers Bruce King, Micko Gracie, Peter McDonald & Bob Monkman headed off overseas on a world surfing…
Surfing Rotto in the 60s **update
Surfing at Rottnest Island has been a popular pastime since the mid-50s. By the mid-60s Cottesloe surfers were making regular surf trips to…
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