1964 Board Club outing to the Swan River
In 1964 the City Beach Surf Riders Club Inc (Est 1962) was at the top of its game and chock full of surfing…
Ron Moss and the good old days
In the good old days, you could surf on your Malibu board in a pair of sluggo’s in summer and don a footy…
City Beach Surf Riders Club – 1960s Fun times video #5 extracurricular activities
This City Beach Surf Riders Club video captured on Super 8 film shows footage of club members & others enjoying themselves in WA…
City Beach Surf Riders Club – 1960s Fun times video #4 City Beach and Southwest high jinks
This City Beach Surf Riders Club video was captured on Super 8 film and shows footage of club members enjoying themselves 1966-67. It…
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