50s photographs 1950s City Beach memorabilia WA surf pioneer Ray Geary and other ex City of Perth SLSC clubbies formed and ran the City Beach Board Club 1953-58. Refer… Like this:Like Loading...
anecdotes memorabilia news photographs David “Davo”/”GlobeHead” Williams WA surfing legend Dave Williams passed away 18 May 2015 after an illness. His funeral service and ‘celebration of life’ wake took place… Like this:Like Loading...
60s 70s photographs 1960s & 70s Ron Moss – another day at the office Ron ‘Pixie’ Moss of Floreat started riding surf boards at City Beach in the early 60s. Ron was a talented body surfer and… Like this:Like Loading...
50s photographs 1958 Surfing Apprenticeship in SLSC 1958 Many early SW surf pioneers started their surfing apprenticeships in Surf Life Saving Clubs. Refer Surfing Down South book for more details.… Like this:Like Loading...
50s photographs 1959 John Harbison’s first surfboard City of Perth Surf Club member John Harbison (age 15) younger brother of South-West legend Tony Harbison, trialled his first surfboard in the… Like this:Like Loading...