David Hattrick co-owner Pipelines Legrope Co
By 1974 commercial models of rope/latex tubing and velcro strap were widely available. But urethane was the materials breakthrough, combining strength and flexibility…
1978-79 South West surf contest images by John Ogden
John ‘Oggy’ Ogden is a photographer, cinematographer, author, publisher, and educator based in Sydney, Australia. In 1998 he established Cyclops Production Co, an…
1978-80 Perth Metro surf images by John Ogden
John ‘Oggy’ Ogden is a photographer, cinematographer, author, publisher, and educator based in Sydney, Australia. In 1998 he established Cyclops Production Co, an…
1978-80 Down South images by John Ogden
ABOUT JOHN OGDEN AND CYCLOPS PRESS John Ogden is a photographer, cinematographer, author, publisher, and educator based in Sydney, Australia. Ogden’s career began…
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