60s photographs 1960s Southern Surf Riders shack story by Dave Simmons In the 1960-70s Dave Simmons was a talented Cottesloe surfer and a member of the Southern Surf Riders Club. Dave’s comments & story… Like this:Like Loading...
70s photographs 1978 Margaret River Rowing Regatta In the 70s the Margaret River Rowing Club held Rowing Regattas on the Margaret River near Wallcliffe House. Margaret River locals and visiting… Like this:Like Loading...
70s 80s + photographs Mike ‘Stomper’ McAuliffe Former Mettams surfer Mike ‘Stomper’ McAuliffe has lived in Margaret River with his wife Rhonda and children since 1995. A Life Member of… Like this:Like Loading...
70s photographs 1976 Margaret River Main Break images by Ric Chan Margaret River Main Break is internationally renowned as the premier surf break in the South West region. It is one of Australia’s most… Like this:Like Loading...
70s photographs 1976 A Brief History of SW Surfing In 1976 ‘A Brief History of SW Surfing‘ was published in WASRA’s Spring Titles Program. It contained the provision ‘as far as we… Like this:Like Loading...