1971 6KY Pop Concert at Parkerville Amphitheatre images by Ric Chan
In the early 70s Rock concerts were held at the Parkerville Amphitheatre. In 1971 Perth’s popular hard rock band Bakery played with other…
Mirror Surfing Images by Ric Chan #1
This a collection of 70-80s WA surfing images by NZ surf photographer Ric Chan. Ric’s actual photos have been matched with mirror images…
Fantasy Wave
Surf photographers are creative animals and they have been known to enhance their images for assorted reasons. They either want to disguise surf…
1980 Al Bean Surf Design
NZ surf photographer Ric ‘Charlie’ Chan was the Advertising Executive and Photographer for West Coast Surfer magazine in the 80s. In 1980 Ric…
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