Tribute to Peter Matulich 1959-2018

Talented Scarborough surfer, artist, photographer Peter Matulich (58) sadly lost his battle with cancer and passed away on 26 April 2018.

Peter was creative, friendly, happy and generous. He will be missed.

Peter has been a regular contributor of 80s-90s WA surf photos to Surfing Down South media sites. He generously gave SDS access to his photo albums and we will continue to publish his historic surfing photos as a tribute to his photographic talents.

This is a collection of some of Pete’s 80s South West surf pics.


Photo: 1980 Peter Matulich surf photographer at North Point.

1980 North Point Peter Matulich photographer IMG_0001


Photo: 1980 North Point. Peter’s first photo published in an East Coast surf magazine.

1980 North Point 1st Surf Mag pic Peter Matulich IMG_0002


Photo: 1980 Peter surfing Mama Bears.

1980 Bears Mammas surfer Pete Matulich IMG_0021


Photo: 1980 Peter surfing Lefthanders.

1980 Left Handers surfer Peter Matulich IMG_0011


Photo: 1988 Peter surfing Mama Bears.

Bears Mama Peter Matulich slide240 (3)


Photo: 1988s Yallingup beach front.

1988 Yallingup brick toilets - Peter Matulich slide001


Photo: 1980s Bali Hai Surf Hut Yallingup.

1980s Yallingup Bali Hai surf shop - Peter Matulich pic

Condolences to Peter’s family and friends.

Coming soon more Metro and South West surf images by Peter Matulich.


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