
Brian Boyne’s 1952-53 Ford Customline sedan

Former City Beach surfer Brian Boynes joined the Yallingup Board Riders Club in the early 60s. Brian was runner-up to Barry King in the Junior Division of the first State Surfing Titles held at Yallingup in 1964.


Photo: 1964 Yallingup State Titles finalists. Ernie Potter pic

L-R Barry King (Juniors 1), Zac Kochanowitsch (Open mens 1) and Brian Boynes (Juniors 2).

1964 Yalls Barry, Zac & Brian Boynes State Champs - E Potter pic

By the mid 60’s Brian and other WA surfers including Peter ‘Spook’ Bothwell and Hume Heatley from the Yallingup Board Riders Club and Craig ‘Clarry’ Brent-White from the Sand-n-Sea Board Riders were honing their surfing skills on the East Coast and in SA.

In 1966 while on an East Coast surf trip Brian bought a 1952-53 Ford Customline in Queensland for $60 and drove it back to SA with Spook Bothwell.

In SA the boys stayed in the Gulf area and surfed Cactus, Streaky Bay area, York Peninsula and the South Coast. They then picked up passengers at the Tunarama Festival in Port Lincoln and drove the car back to WA.

In WA, Brian couriered the YBC crew to South West surf spots in his old Ford.


Photo: 1966 Brian’s 1952-53 Ford Customline with Vance Cox (YBC) sitting on the bonnet in the South West. Peter Bothwell pic.

1966 WA Brian Boynes 51 Ford Customline $60 Qsld & Vance Cox (YBBC) - P Bothwell IMG 1


Photo: 1966 Brian’s single spinner Customline loaded with surfboards outside the YBC club shack at Yallingup (which was demolished in ’67). Photographer unknown.

1966 Brian Boynes 51 Ford Customline

It is not known what happened to Brian’s big old Ford Customline.


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