
1966-67 Tiny’s Kombi van and Morris Minor Ute

Timon ‘Tiny’ McKay is the son of a preacher man. Tiny hung around with the City Beach crew in mid-60s to early-70s.

Tiny is a big bloke with a love of automobiles, parties and a drop of good wine. In the mid-60s he drove a VW Kombi van and a Morris Minor Ute.


Photo: 1966 Tiny’s Kombi over flowing with grommets in front of City Beach Tea Rooms. Norm Bateman pic.


Photo: 1966 City Beach crew loading boards on Tiny’s VW Kombi for a surf trip. The late Brian ‘Browneyes’ Brown is in red CBSR club parka.  Norm Bateman pic.

1966 City Beach Loading Tiny's Kombi Browneyes - Norm Bateman pic


Photo: 1966 early morning photo shoot on City Beach. Norm Bateman pic.

Tiny would sleep in his Kombi overnight at the beach, hence the pajamas.

L-R Gerard Waddell, Tiny McKay (in pajamas), Robert ‘Digger’ Dolphin, Brian Cleaver, Billy Griffin and Jim King.

1966 City Beach G Waddell,Tiny McKay, R Dolphin, B Cleaver, unknown & J King


Photo: 1967 Tiny’s Morris Minor Ute loaded with surfboards and flying a BP flag while slipping and sliding on the old gravel road at Cowaramup Bay. Tiny & the CBSR boys were in the south west on a surf trip. Still image ex CBSR Super 8 film.

1967 Tiny's ute Cowaramup


Photo: 1967 Close up of Tiny’s Ute driving out of Cowaramup Bay. Still image ex CBSR Super 8 film.

1967 Tiny's ute cowaramup3

Tiny moved on from his VW Kombi van and Morris Minor ute to driving large articulated trucks on the inter-state route for a living.


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