
1970s Brighton gang images by Paul ‘Bernie’ Marchant #4 Surf Travel

Paul ‘Burnie’ Marchant is a born & bred Scarborough surfer.  In the 70s Burnie and his surfing mates were the Brighton gang…..Brighton Beach is the home of many surfers from Scarborough!

Burnie’s Brighton gang images run in four parts: –

  1. Scarborough
  2. Out & About
  3. Beach Life
  4. Surf Travel

Burnie: In 1975 Mick Graham was surfing in Bali with Kim Breakwell, Ronnie Ratshit & others. After Bali, KenMac and Pop Marchant drove from Darwin across the top in this EK Holden sedan and met up with me and Paul & Mark Waller in Coolangatta Queensland. We all stayed with Rossie Rayment [Raynor the Rat] and his wife Narelle. There are two pics of Ross outside his Surfshop in Coolangatta…..cheers Burnie


These are Burnie’s Brighton gang ‘Surf Travel’ photos and captions:


Image: 1975 Mick Graham verandah sittin in Bali.


Image: 1975 Kim Breakwell verandah sittin in Bali.



Image:  1975 Ronnie ‘Ratshit’ Jeffrey yoga guru in Bali.



Image: 1975 KenMac and Pop Marchant drove from Darwin across the top in this EK Holden sedan.



Image: Burnie’s  thruster in Annerley (suburb of the City of Brisbane) Queensland.



Image: 1975 Paul and Mark Waller with KenMac in Coolangatta Queensland.


Image: Trevor ‘Kenmac’ Kenyon at Coolangatta Qld.



Image: 1975 Rossie Rayment [Raynor the rat] sunning himself outside his Surf Shop in Coolangatta Qld.



Image: 1975 Rossie Rayment [Raynor the rat] sunning himself outside his Surf Shop in Coolangatta Qld.

Thanks Burnie for sharing your Brighton gang pics.


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