Overcrowding raised its ugly head at Trigg Point (TP) in the 1970s. As Perth’s primary surf break in summer, TP is busy when swell, wind, tide & sand bank conditions align.
Surfboats, wave skis, surfboards, kneeboards, coolites and surf contests have shared the waves.
TP locals managed to find fun waves during off-peak times, but others started looking further afield for uncrowded waves.
In the early70s surf reporter Gavin McCaughey published ASaga of Old Trigg’s Point article in West Coast Surfer magazine.
ASaga of Old Trigg’s Point article Page #1ASaga of Old Trigg’s Point article Page #2 A Saga of Old Trigg’s Point article Page #3
This is Part #1 in a four-part series of 70s Trigg Point images by surf photographer Ric Chan. It includes bonus TP images from other contributors.
1970 style master with Quasimodo manoeuvre at Trigg Point. 1976 Waiting for a wave at Trigg Point 1975 TP hottie Steve ‘Hog’ Hannett 1976 unidentified beach girls Trigg beach. 1975 Trigg SLSC surf boat (Alan White) splitting the peak at Trigg Point. 1976 Unidentified surfer Trigg Point 1970s beach girl Trigg Beach 1976 unidentified surfer about to be dropped-in at Trigg Point 1970s Russell Morris performing at 6KY Surfin Safari concert Trigg car park 1970s Beach girl contest at 6KY Surfin Safari concert Trigg car park
Bonus TP images from other contributors
1970 The late Terry Jacks surfing Trigg. Photographer unknown. 1976 Arty Sherburn styling Trigg. Arty Sherburn pic. Mid 1970s Barry Day side slipping Trigg. Tom Collins pic Mid 1970s Stewart Bettenay under cover Trigg. Tom Collins pic
Thanks to contributors for sharing your Trigg Point material.
Coming soon 1970s Trigg Point images by Ric Chan #2
Overcrowding raised its ugly head at Trigg Point (TP) in the 1970s. As Perth’s primary surf break in summer, TP is busy when swell, wind, tide & sand bank conditions align.
Surfboats, wave skis, surfboards, kneeboards, coolites and surf contests have shared the waves.
TP locals managed to find fun waves during off-peak times, but others started looking further afield for uncrowded waves.
In the early70s surf reporter Gavin McCaughey published A Saga of Old Trigg’s Point article in West Coast Surfer magazine.
This is Part #1 in a four-part series of 70s Trigg Point images by surf photographer Ric Chan. It includes bonus TP images from other contributors.
Bonus TP images from other contributors
Thanks to contributors for sharing your Trigg Point material.
Coming soon 1970s Trigg Point images by Ric Chan #2
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