
A wave through the sixties by Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson grew up in the South West by the coast at Yallingup.

In 2019 in her final year at High School she compiled a history of WA surfing in the 60s as part of her exam in Media Studies. Rachel interviewed WA surfers and surf industry personnel with knowledge of the 60s.

Rachel – “Growing up by the coast of Yallingup, the surfing culture is something that anyone living here is bound to be immersed amongst, with inflicted interest.

It was always a great point of curiosity and my grandparents Joe & Tina Wilson were amongst the many early faces who roamed the SW coast in the 60s.

This project became a personal journey revealing history about my grandparents”.

Click on A wave through the sixties to view Rachel’s history of WA surfing in the 60s.  

Scroll down to view stories & interviews. To listen to the interviews, just click on individual portraits and the audio will begin to play.


Thanks Rachel, for sharing your 60s surf history project 😊


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