1995 The Bombie at Margs by Gary Gibbon
I recently spoke to Rob and Di Conneeley in Margs about a big day at The Bombie Margaret River in 1995. Rob told…
Memories from 10 years ago – 2013 Baby Box images
Baby Box is a pitching wave that breaks over shallow reef at Shallows Beach Yallingup. In a solid swell Baby Box produces hollow…
Peter ‘Doc’ Docherty surfing innovator
Peter ‘Doc’ Docherty (age 13) started riding plywood ‘Toothpick’ surfboards at City Beach in 1958. Doc surfed metro, Lancelin & Southwest beaches and…
The late Brian Felton’s 1938 Singer Bantam Roadster
The late Brian Felton and his mates surfed Metropolitan and Southwest beaches using hand boards, belly boards, kneeboards and wave skis from the…
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