60s 70s 80s +

Bob Monkman revisited

Dunsborough surfer/surfboard shaper/cabinet maker Bob Monkman has won numerous State & National surf contests and in 2000 was awarded the Australian Sports Medal for his contribution to surfing.

Bob surfed WA beaches (metro & SW) in the late 60s before venturing overseas on surf trips to South Africa, Europe, Indo, California & Mexico in the 70s. And in 1988 Bob was one of the first people to surf the Maldives atolls.

In 1975 Bob married former Sydney girl Jenny Bell and in 1978 after the birth of their first daughter Holly, the family moved Down South to live and surf good waves.


In Aug 2017 Surfing Down South published a wonderful expose on Bob’s surfing life by Dunsborough scribe Mick Marlin.

Do yourself a favour and click on this link to view Bob Monkman’s Surfing Life by Malibu Mick Marlin 


This is a collection of Bob’s previously unpublished images.


Rod Slater (Bunbury)- The bloke in this pic looks like a young fella I went down south with a few times in his maroon Falcon, Bob Monkman.


Image: 1970 Bob with his Falcon sedan in the Meelup car park after a surf. Ric Chan pic


Image: 1970 Bob surfing Rocky Point. Ric Chan pic


Image: 1975 Bob won the State Spring Titles held at Injidup car Park. Image courtesy of On the Wave Length surf column by Doug White in the Sunday Times.

Bob: I made my first surf trip to Bali in 1974. On my second Bali surf trip in 1977 with my wife Jenny I surfed uncrowded Padang Padang on the Bukit Peninsula. Other WA surfers were also there.


Image: 1977 Bob surfing Padang Padang Seq #1


Image: 1977 Bob surfing Padang Padang Seq #2.

BobOn the 8th of August 1988 I went on an exploratory surf trip to the Maldives atolls with Barry Young, Ross Wilson, Brian Cregan (Ocean & Earth) and Steve (O&E). We met marooned OZ sailor Tony Hinde and he showed us the surf spots three years before he opened Pasta Point Resort.

Click on this link to view Maldives story by Barry Young published March 2019.


Image: 1978 Bob surfing solid Yallingup Main Break left #1


Image: 1978 Bob surfing solid Yallingup Main Break left #2

BobIn 1978 Jenny & I attended a Rock n Roll fancy dress party at Horny Campbell’s place in Dunsborough.


Image: 1978 Jenny Monkman wearing a wig from shop dummy at Linda Anderson’s dress shop in Busselton.

Bob – In the 80s a local girl Sally Cox got a group of us together to put on three plays at Yallingup Hall. Sally was the Director and responsible for making it happen.


Image: 1980s. Cowboy theme ‘Joe’s Bar’ Play at Yalls Hall.

Boys front: Horny Campbell, Drew Brent-White & Bob Monkman

Girls rear: Gina Pannone, Kath McSwain & Pam Streeter.


Image: 1990 Bob Monkman hangin five toes at Yallingup. Kevin ‘Twiggy’ Sharland pic

Thanks for sharing your images Bob & Jenny.

Surfing images of Bob and his daughter Holly are on display at the WA Surf Gallery Aravina Estate Yallingup.



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