Then & Now – Errol Considine
Updated 3 February 2020. Added two additional images and captions. 1967 Errol & Jeff with Cordingley boards and Mini Minor at Doubleview; and…
Eiji Shiomoto’s shaping story
Eiji Shiomoto is a master craftsman and has been shaping quality Eiji Surf Design surfboards in Torquay Victoria for nearly 30 years. Eiji…
Happy Birthday Jim Keenan
WA surf pioneer Jim Keenan will celebrate his 82nd birthday next Tues 25 June 2019. He is still fit and swims daily at…
Surf Art by Loz Smith
Quindalup surfer/photographer/craftsman has been producing Surf Art surfboards since 2018. Loz uses colourful stick-on vinyl offcuts and misprints from Dunsborough Signs and Graphics…
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